A Cup’s Life – Game Jam Build

In A Cup’s Life, you control a little cup that spills a bit of water with each move that it makes, with the hopes of making it all the way across a huge kitchen table to a meet your friends.

A tea cup without water is one that shatters and breaks, or at least, this specific cup seems to be unable to survive without some liquid in it. Each move you make, on this helpfully checkered tablecloth, takes one drop of water out of your cup. Along the bottom of the screen, you can see how many moves you have left. You must figure out the best path to take, before moving forward, in order to make it to the end.

Throughout your journey across the table, you will face various roadblocks, like marshmallows that must be melted with a drop of your water or cookies that need to be made soggy, so you can get by. You only have the exact number of drops to make it across each level, so planning is really important.

It ends just as it starts to get challenging, but it’s a charming little game with great pixel art visuals. The cute aesthetic highlights the simplicity within the game and theme, but also softens the challenge of the game, as it feels so straight forward despite having some key twists that need to be taken.

Play A Cup’s Life Here (Browser)