Abathor: Atlantis Landing – Beta Demo

Abathor: Atlantis Landing is a good old fashioned side-scrolling action platformer where a band of heroes battle demons in Atlantis.

Playable in single-player or with up to four players, Abathor allows you to take control of four uniquely skilled heroes and fight back against the demons who have invaded Atlantis. The side-scrolling action platforming gameplay harkens back to the 16-bit era, with monster-filled levels, big boss fights and characters having a simple, but effective move-set.

It could probably do with the addition of a run button, and there’s not a whole lot of innovation going on, but the pixel art visuals are excellent and it plays like the classic games it was inspired by. Also, being able to take some friends along really elevates the experience.

Download The Abathor Demo Here (Steam)