Athena Crisis – Alpha Demo

Athena Crisis is an Advance Wars inspired turn-based strategy game with easily accessible battles between warring armies.

Drawing inspiration from Into The Breach, Advance Wars and Fire Emblem, Athena Crisis is a pixel art turn-based tactics game playable in single-player or online multiplayer. The full game will feature various types of missions and over 40 different unit types spread across ground, sea and air.

The demo build of Athena Crisis features a single mission and sees your army attempting to defeat the orange team. You can win by defeating all the enemy units or by capturing their HQ (which is easier). Units all have their own strengths and weaknesses and using cover will be a big factor in your success. The game also utilizes a fog of war and you can purchase new units from certain buildings.

It’s a fun and easily accessible turn-based strategy game that’s certain to appeal to Advance Wars fans. There’s no tutorial in the demo, but it only takes one practice game to figure out what’s going on and it’s pretty replayable too. Bite-sized battles that don’t skimp on the tactical depth.

Play The Athena Crisis Alpha Demo Here (Browser)