The Night Henry Allen Died – Game Jam Build Download

the night henry allen died

The Night Henry Allen Died is a wonderful little isometric murder mystery in which you explore your recently deceased friend’s house, discovering family secrets and unearthing what really happened to Mr Allen.

As you wander your deceased friends house, you can investigate objects, chat to relatives, acquaintances and staff, to try and piece together what’s really gone on.  Intriguingly, there is no ‘win state’ for … Read More

Unending Bonus – Student Project Download

unending bonus

Unending Bonus is a fun Tempest-esque vector based tunnel running shooter that sees you driving along edges to increase your multiplier then lifting off to blast objects for points.

Created by Adam Rezich, a student at the DigiPen Institute of Technology, the current build is more of a prototype, from which he plans to expand on someday.  The vector based visuals are superb and … Read More

Glorch’s Great Escape – Alpha Demo

Glorchs Great Escape

Glorch’s Great Escape is a unique puzzle platformer in which your character can’t jump and isn’t even particularly fond of walking, instead Glorch prefers to get around with the use of ‘Telenades’ – grenades that allow him to teleport.

Glorch can throw these Telenades in any direction, then teleport to wherever they land.  This simple premise and clever level design makes for some innovative and … Read More

Shattered Worlds – Prototype Download


Shattered Worlds is an impressive Sci-Fi blend of collectible card gaming and Hex-based strategy that pits two players against each other in tense and tactical space battles.

Each team must protect their Aestril Airship (basically your King), whilst attempting to destroy their opponents one.  You play the cards that you’re dealt to use buffs or spawn ships around your Aestril Airship and send them into battle.

There … Read More

WrestleQuest – Game Jam Build


WrestleQuest is a fun five minute point and click adventure in which you must help ‘Mad Meteor’ Mike to become the best wrestler in the world.

Mike isn’t a very good wrestler, but thanks to an admin error, he’s been invited to Wrestledeath XL 1986, so must learn how to become the greatest wrestler in the world, fast!  To do this, you must solve puzzles … Read More