The Sinking Feeling – GameJam Build Download

that singling feeling

The Sinking Feeling, a Music Video(game) Jam entry, is a different sort of game. The Music Video(game) Jam challenged developers to make a game that showcases a particular song. This game needed to highlight the music, end when the music did, and feel satisfying, all of which The Sinking Feeling has accomplished very well.

Using the song The Last Level, by Two Parent … Read More

quadrant – Beta Demo


quadrant (all lower-case) is a fast paced rhythm-action game where all you have to do is press the corresponding direction that the large box is located in before it moves.  Sound easy?  Rest assured, it most certainly is not!

Things start of reasonably easy with some basic boxes on a monochrome background, but as soon as you start to get the hang of it, quadrantRead More

DUR – Alpha Demo


DUR is a musical adventure platforming game where you play as an iron sheet of magical musical wonder that has a violin, and uses it to create beautiful notes that can lift massive objects (including the ground) in the games world to save yourself from the fog that’s filling it.

It’s a short, surreal and beautiful experience, with innovative gameplay and a wonderfully bizarre premise.  … Read More

Vectagon – Beta Download


Vectagon is a eye melting, Super Hexagon-esque, procedurally generated arcade survival racer with TRON-style neon visuals and super-fast twitch based gameplay inspired by F-Zero, Rez and Dyad.

From the developers on Biome (another game you’ll really want to keep an eye on), Vectagon assaults your senses from the get-go, with beautiful neon visuals flying by at speeds that can be almost hypnotic … Read More