Chambara – Prototype Download


Chambara is a unique first person deathmatch game where the whole world is only viewed in two colors, with no shadows, shading or lighting effects to highlight the players.  This means that the players blend in with the background (as long as they’re the matching colour) able to hide in plain sight and ambush other players.

The binary color system of Chambara is a fantastic … Read More

Twin Souls – Prototype Download

Twin Souls

Twin Souls is a great looking 3rd person cel shaded stealthy assassin game with supernatural overtones, inspired by Tenchu, Metal Gear Solid, Dishonored and Mark of the Ninja.  We covered the Prototype a while ago on ABG, but as they’ve just started a Kickstarter campaign, we figured it was time for an update.

You are Aragami, a spirit of vengeance summoned by Yamiko, … Read More

SubRay – Alpha Download


SubRay is a beautiful and intense underwater exploration game, where you pilot a vulnerable little ship through the depths of an alien sea, with all manner of nasty creatures keen on making you their lunch.

Your ship doesn’t have much to defend itself in these hostile waters, just a dim set of lights and a gun which takes an unnerving amount of time to recharge.  … Read More

Death to Spies 3 – Beta Demo

death to spies

Death to Spies 3 is a third person stealth game that’s the third instalment of the popular ‘Death to Spies‘ series, taking place in both the World War II and the Cold War era.  You play as a Russian captain named Semyon Strogov (it’s a rather unfortunate first name) who has the necessary skills to accomplish dangerous, almost suicidal missions.

The game feels … Read More

Light – Prototype Download


Light is a top-down minimalist stealth infiltration game with a focus (aside from stealth gameplay) on narrative to keep the action going.  You are part of a scientific study and a procedure left your with short term memory loss. Further investigation reveals that there is something called ‘Project Light’ and that all is not well.  You must search for the answers that will help you … Read More