Cat’s Cradle is a creepy 2D horror adventure based on the popular Chinese The Bad Kids TV series, which follows the story of a kid with a VERY controlling mother.
In Cat’s Cradle you follow the story of Zhu Chaoyang, a teenage schoolboy who lives at home with a very controlling mother. His mother doesn’t let him see his friends or play games. Nothing is allowed to distract him from his schoolwork and if it does then she has a rather disturbing way of dealing with it. Zhu’s mother is only part of his troubles though, as he’s also tormented by memories of a murder…
The Cat’s Cradle demo takes around an hour and a half to play through and features the prologue and the first chapter of the game. It’s a narrative-driven experience that incorporates some action and some interesting Professor Layton-esque puzzles. It follows the story of the The Bad Kids TV series, but also promises ro build new stories in the same world.
There are a few minor translation issues, but on the whole Cat’s Cradle is a very polished experience with high quality artwork, lots of atmosphere and creatively designed puzzles. The story is gripping and cleverly told, and you don’t need to know anything about the TV series to enjoy the game. A tense and well told horror adventure where mother knows best!
Note: Cat’s Cradle starts with Chinese as the default language. You can change it to English by entering the options menu and changing the setting in the third tab.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The Cat’s Cradle Beta Demo Here (Steam)