Chestnut Grove is a narrative-driven mystery set during the Covid-19 pandemic, which sees you attempting to find out what happened to your loved one while your under lockdown.
In Chestnut Grove you’re confined to your home due to the Coronavirus lockdown, but you also need to try and find out what happened to your partner who mysteriously went missing. You’ll have to go about your daily life in self-isolation, and as you can no longer go out, you’ll start to take a closer look at the world around you and unearth clues that may help you find out what happened to your loved one.
A game where you live in self-isolation may not be the escapism you’re looking for at the moment, but it’s an interesting concept that looks set to deliver a unique mystery set within a very relatable isolated world. Sign up for the Beta to go deeper into self-isolation!
Sign Up For The Chestnut Grove Beta Here