Devil, It’s Me – Beta Demo

Devil, It’s Me is a fun twist on tower defense, where you build a tower and fill it with boss monsters to defend from waves of heroes who aim to conquer the tower and slay you.

In Devil, It’s Me you follow the story of Magrandes, a demon who was just about to take control of the Netherworld when she was unceremoniously dropped into the human realm. She now needs to find a way back, but to do so she’ll need to accumulate a large amount of wealth.

Thankfully heroes are wealthy and in plentiful supply, with a steady stream of them marching towards you to try and slay you. You need to build a tall tower and stock it with powerful boss monsters to slay the heroes and loot their corpses. As you progress you upgrade your tower, unlock new structures and more powerful boss monsters. The boss monsters aren’t cheap though and they take a salary so you need to be careful to balance the books.

At the moment the upgrade system is a little unintuitive and there are some aspects of the game that aren’t very well explained (such as the Hospital and the Plant Lab). It does show a lot of promise though – building your own monster-filled tower is a fun concept and it’s always fun to play the bad guy for a change!

Download The Devil, It’s Me Beta Demo Here (Steam)