Fancy Cat – Game Jam Build

fancy cat

Fancy Cat is a simple, cute and very addictive little game made for Global Game Jam 15, that tasks you with rotating an adorable (and dangerously obese) space cat so that is can eat lots of sweets, cakes, fast food and other confectionary while deflecting bombs, rocks and rockets with it’s tail.

It’s an easy to pick-up-and-play game with intuitive controls – your rotund feline turns as you move the mouse.  You simply have to get lined up so that your mouth is facing towards any incoming food and away from any hazards (bombs, rocks, rockets) so that your tail can bat them away.  The more you eat, the fatter you get, and the more difficult the game gets as more objects hurtle towards you (probably due to your increased gravitational pull!)

With it’s silly premise, intuitive controls, fun gameplay, hyperactive soundtrack and charming visual design, Fancy Cat is a blast.  An addictive game with cute cake-eating cat of cosmic proportions!

Check out the Official Game Jam Page HERE

Play Fancy Cat in a Unity Supported Browser HERE