Glitch Gears features a very odd blend of racing and Vampire Survivors style auto-shooter gameplay as you race along a highway, dodging traffic and earning perks.
In Glitch Gears you speed along a highway being pursued by the cops. You need to dodge traffic to keep your speed up but you also earn points for dangerous driving. These points allow you to level up, which in turn allows you to select one of three stackable perks. Thes perks can range from increasing your top speed to unleashing a locomotive that clears a lane of traffic. All the while, the cops are chasing you so you need to be careful about your speed.
It’s a fun concept that delivers a very original twist on the Survivors-like mechanics and can get pretty crazy when you’ve earned a few perks. Sign up now to put the pedal to the metal in the Beta!
Sign Up For The Glitch Gears Beta Here (Click “Request Access”)