Kraino ReAnimated – Alpha Demo

Kraino ReAnimated is a beautifully animated Castlevania-esque retro pixel art action platforming adventure where a skeleton fights his way through levels filled with monsters, secrets and challenging bosses.

A re-imagining of the popular 2018 iOS game, Kraino ReAnimated is a fast, fun and challenging old school action platformer set in a castle filled with grotesque ghouls. Your little scarf-wearing skeleton has a nice range of moves to aid his adventure, including dashing, air-punching, bounce-slashing, a ranged attack and a powerful axe attack.

The full version of Kraino ReAnimated will feature nine levels and the demo lets you play through the first one. The gameplay hearkens back to the golden days of the 16-bit action platformer, with challenging level design, hidden secrets and boss fights that require you to memorise attack patterns. The bounce-attacks feel a little inaccurate at the moment, but other than that, it’s shaping up to be a fantastic game filled with retro action platforming goodness.

Download The Kraino ReAnimated Alpha Demo Here (Steam)