Luckless Seven – Alpha Download

Luckless Seven

Luckless Seven is a unique story-driven isometric RPG that replaces traditional combat with tactical blackjack-esque card games where players must get as close to 20 as possible without going bust.

You control Mark, a keen card player who gives up his dead-end job to travel from city to city, winning local qualifier battles to allow himself entry into the prestigious national tournament.  There’s far more to Luckless Seven than that though, with story driven side quests, multiple narratives, collectable cards and a huge 3D world to explore.

The card game in Luckless seven is like a more tactical version of Blackjack.  Inspired by Pazaak in KOTOR, the main objective in Ekosi is to beat your opponent by getting as close to 20 as possible without going over.  In each hand you can ‘Hit’ as many times as you like, then use one of your four additional cards to fine tune your end score.  These additional cards can add or take away a set number from your total, but you only get a few of them, so you have to be strategic with their use.

It’s still early in development, but Luckless Seven is shaping up to be a refreshing take on the RPG genre.  The world design is excellent, the story feels fresh and a lot of thought has obviously gone into it’s tactical card game – it’s easy to learn, fun to play, and a perfect substitute for traditional RPG combat.  A Full House.

Note:  Before Launching into the game, we’d recommend playing a few games in the tutorial mode.

Note 2:   If you have any issues with the Story Mode starting, go into the options menu and select ‘delete save data’

Check Out the Kickstarter Page HERE

Check Out the Greenlight Page HERE

Download the Luckless Seven Alpha HERE (Win, Mac & Linux)