Mandala: Game of Life – Open Beta (iOS & Android)

If you play a lot of board games, you might have heard of Mandala: A Game of Life – a simplistic board game made in the 80s. Recently, this board game has become digital, moving it’s way to phones by the original creator of the physical game.

The game itself is pretty simple – the middle of the board contains a giant portal and you want your minions to get there. Getting your minions there is the challenge. At the start of your turn, you’ll get to roll a few different colored dies. The color of the dies correspond with different colored bricks along the board. Mandala has two of the same colored brick rows on the board, so you will need to decide which row you want to use your die on, as you will need to move that line of tiles the exact number of times as the die says, in one direction.

You want to clear a path for your minions to make it through a door into the portal, but at the same time, you can move tiles in front of your opponents or just move around the minions, making their turn more challenging. At the end of each round, once you have used up all of your dice, your minions will rush forward as far as they can before your opponent will start.

In the digital version of Mandala, you and up to three of your friends can connect through online multiplayer or physically, by passing the phone to play this game. If you’ve got no friends, no worries, you can take on up to three bots. You can also customise the number of points you need to win, pick what character you want to play as and pick the type of minions, which can all change the game. There is a lot of depth to Mandala, especially in this digital form, and the game itself has been blended onto mobile in an accurate and fun way.

Download The Mandala Open Beta Here (Android) or Here (iOS – TestFlight Required)