No Players Online – Beta Demo

No Players Online is back and is being turned into a full length game! This time allowing you to delve deeper into the horrifying mystery of an abandoned FPS on an old computer.

The original No Players Online was a horror FPS/ARG hybrid that played out within the confines of an old abandoned FPS. This time you get a whole computer desktop to play around in, complete with dial-up internet, forums, chat and other downloadable games. At the heart of the game is still the mysterious abandoned FPS though, and it will change in some very interesting ways as you play through the game.

The No Players Online demo takes around 1-2 hours to play through and features a nice blend of retro computer nostalgia, puzzles, mini-games and first person exploration. There’s also a clever game-combination mechanic that’s a core part of the game that delivers some interesting surprises and distractions. Meanwhile there’s a thick layer of humor throughout too, especially if you delve into the forums or play any of the downloadable games.

The original No Players Online was a great little standalone game, but this version looks set to expand on the lore and the gameplay in some fantastic ways. Highly recommended.

Check Out a No Players Online Gameplay Video Here

Download The No Players Online Beta Demo Here (Steam)