Octopus City Blues – Beta Demo

Octopus City Blues is a surreal and mind-bending narrative-driven pixel art adventure about a tentacle trimmer who lives on a giant octopus.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer way back in 2014, Octopus City Blues is a tentacle-filled adventure set in a city that’s built around a giant octopus. You follow the story of Kaf Kafkaryan, a lowly tentacle trimmer who has surreal octopus blood fuelled visions that walk the line between dreams and reality. Along the way he’ll meet lots of weird characters and unravel dark conspiracies that lie at the heart of the city.

The current build of Octopus City Blues features a sizeable chunk of gameplay and is a genuinely mind-blowing experience (in mostly good, but some bad ways). the city is a remarkable place to explore – it’s packed full of weird characters and surreal environmental details, all created with some beautiful pixel art animation.

The issue at the moment is that there’s so much going on that it quickly becomes overwhelming. During the early stages of the demo you’re constantly bombarded with new characters, story and gameplay mechanics – the weird and wonderful world is confusing enough without having to deal with them too so it’s easy to lose the plot.

If Octopus City Blues can find a way to ease players into the world a little more gently, it’s going to be an incredible adventure though. Once you get used to it, it’s a fantastic game that really immerses you in a very unique, beautifully crafted and fascinating world. You’ll never forget your stay in Octopus City!

Download The Octopus City Blues Beta Demo Here (Steam)