Selfloss – Beta Demo (Steam)

Selfloss is a Slavic and Icelandic folklore inspired fantasy action adventure where you search for a ritual that can cure your soul i a world that worships whales.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer three years ago, Selfloss is a magical folklore-steeped adventure where an old man attempts to heal his wounded soul. The game takes place in a mythical post-apocalyptic world that’s been overwhelmed by a disease called Miasm.

The Miasm has infected the world and its inhabitants, but you can use a magical staff to purge it. On your adventure you’ll learn more about the lore of the world, solve puzzles, battle monsters, and aid creatures in need. You’ll also need to search for an orca whale that may be the key to saving your soul.

The Selfloss demo features around 45 minutes of gameplay and is a spellbinding and beautiful experience. The postimpressionism inspired visuals and Icelandic inspired landscapes look incredible, and the world is a fascinating place to explore. There’s a nice mixture of puzzles and action, and you get a real feeling that your journey is helping to spread light through the world. Highly recommended.

Check Out a Selfloss Gameplay Video Here

Download The Selfloss Beta Demo Here (Steam)