Super Squad features a fusion of MOBA and RTS gameplay where players each controls a trooper and attempt to crush their opponents in fast paced 10 minute battles between aliens and humans.
Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer when it was called Super Troopers, Super Squad blends MOBA and RTS elements as players do battle in charming cartoony environments. Battles take place between teams of players, with one side taking on the role of aliens and the other playing as the humans. The action is viewed from a top-down view in a traditional MOBA, but characters have top-down shooter controls.
It’s a fun looking game with a great cartoony visual style and a unique twist on the traditional MOBA gameplay. Sign up for the Beta to be one of the first to enlist. Please note that that servers are only currently available during scheduled playtests.
Check Out a Gameplay Tutorial Here
To sign up for the Super Squad Beta just join the official Discord group and type “me” in the #get-a-beta-key channel.