Baby Blues Nightmares – Beta Demo

Baby Blues Nightmares is a very creepy stealth survival horror game where a traumatized toddler attempts to track down his missing toys.

In Baby Blues Nightmares you are a toddler called Aiden, who has a favorite collection of grotesque toys from a TV show called Red Belly and Friends. Aiden favors his ugly toys because he doesn’t like it when people feel left out. However, … Read More

Last Moon – Beta Demo

Last Moon is a beautifully animated top-down action RPG that draws inspiration from 90’s classics as a Lunar Knight sets out to bring harmony back to the world.

In Last Moon you are a Lunar Knight who awakens/hatches from a crystal and sets out to save the moon and the world. The world has fallen into chaos after human greed triggered the destruction of the … Read More

Contra Reforged – Prototype Download

Contra Reforged is a fan made Contra game that recreates the original arcade classic as a third person shooter.

The current build of Contra Reforged features one level that recreates the first level of the original Contra game. You run, jump and shoot your way through its 8-bit styled environment, blasting enemy soldiers, turrets and a large wall fortress.

It’s still early in development and … Read More

Tactical Breach Wizards – Beta Demo

Tactical Breach Wizards is a narrative-driven turn-based tactics gone set in a world of magic and modern-day weaponry.

In Tactical Breach Wizards you take command of a team of renegade wizards as they attempt to unravel a corporate conspiracy. This generally involves breaching various enemy strongholds and eliminating them with extreme prejudice.

Your wizards all have their own unique personalities and perks that can allow … Read More

Owl Observatory – Beta Demo

Owl Observatory is an absurd horror comedy point and click adventure about a peculiar owlish gentleman who traps you in his mansion.

A prequel to the superb Dinner With An Owl, Owl Observatory puts you in the shoes of a renowned astronomer called Tycho Brahe, who (along with some other guests) has been invited to the residence of Mr Brooks. There’s something strange about … Read More