Endling: Extinction is Forever – Alpha Demo

Endling: Extinction is Forever is a jaw-droppingly beautiful and harrowing narrative-driven survival adventure where the last mother fox on Earth tries to raise a litter of cubs.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer a year ago, Endling: Extinction is Forever is a beautifully crafted cinematic 3D side-scrolling adventure that takes place in a desolate polluted world that’s been ravaged by mankind. In the game … Read More

Endling – Beta Download

Endling is a cleverly crafted narrative-driven Sci-Fi adventure where you live within a house that automatically adapts to your preferences, with an aim of making a perfect day that’s worth reliving.

In Endling you awaken in the bedroom of a pleasant looking house that’s filled with IKEA-esque furniture. As you awake you’re greeted by an AI voice (called IKEA) that talks to you as you … Read More

Endling – Pre-Alpha Demo

Endling is a beautiful, touching and harrowing eco-conscious adventure where the last fox on Earth tries to raise her cubs and reach the only place left on Earth that mankind can’t harm them.

In Endling you take on the role of a mother fox who tries to look after her four little fox cubs in a ruined world full of pollution, traps and humans who … Read More