The Behind The Beyond – Pre-Alpha Download

The Behind The Beyond is a futuristic 3rd person shooter with a focus on long range combat and an intriguing narrative in which you’re unsure of who or what you are and are sent on a mission by a mysterious being.

In The Behind The Beyond you don’t know if you’re human, dead, a cyborg, a robot or just hallucinating. You wake up and are … Read More

Swordfish – Game Jam Build

Swordfish, a mini-game packed Hollywood movie themed hacking simulator made for the Movie Game Jam, has you attempting to break into a database and transfer all of the money to your bank account.

In Swordfish you are a hacker, who is looking to take all of the money from a bank account and get rich. This isn’t an easy task and will take several … Read More

Hug Them Real Good – Game Jam Build Download

Hug Them Real Good is an adorable little game that sees you giving hugs and making friends in a charming low poly playground.

In Hug Them Real Good you control a little ball with two big arms. To move you need to charge up your energy bar by using the mouse scroll wheel then use the WASD keys to move. When you come across a … Read More

drHackDream – Student Project Game

drHackDream is a stylish and strategic action platformer in which you use precision jumping and a cybersword to defeat defenses and steal data from target cyberbrains!

In drHackDream you control the avatar of the titular Dr HackDream and hack into peoples brains as instructed by a mysterious character who seems to know you. Your character is able to walk and carry out a melee attack … Read More