Tasty Ramen – Beta Download

Tasty Ramen is a hilarious PS1 styled horror game about a Japanese grocery store that’s haunted by a murderous bowl of ramen!

The original build of Tasty Ramen was created for the Scream Solstice game jam and a demo was released as part of the Haunted PS1 Demo Disc, and it was a lot of fun, but this latest build really knocks it out of the park. In the game you take on the role of a shopkeeper and his niece as they struggle to deal with an evil bowl of ramen that chases them through the store.

The current build sees you attempting to collect all the batteries for your (battery powered!?!) air conditioning system while avoiding the bowl of ramen as it chases you. You need to find 10 batteries in total, all of which are hidden around the store and things start to get even weirder as you collect the last few.

The core gameplay in Tasty Ramen is fairly simple, but what makes it a must play is its style and its delightfully silly sense of humor. The way the vibrant retro PS1 styled visuals are infused with a generous helping of Anime oddity is fantastic. The audio design is superb and the cheerful colorful visuals are a nice change from most dimly lit horror games. also, even in a brightly lit grocery store that little bowl of ramen can infuse you with a surprising amount of terror when you come face to face with it! Highly recommended.

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Download The Tasty Ramen Beta Here (Windows)