Taxidermy – Alpha Demo

Taxidermy is a freaky little first person horror game where you find yourself trapped in the weird home of an overzealous taxidermy enthusiast.

In Taxidermy you wake up in a very strangely designed house surrounded by lots of animals that have been stuffed and mounted by a mad taxidermist. You now need to search the house of useful items to help you escape before he catches and stuffs you!

The current build of Taxidermy takes around 10 minutes to play through and is a little rough around the edges, but the stuffed animals are quite freaky and are a few great scares. The biggest issue at the moment is that the structure and the decor of the house makes no sense whatsoever – the tiny room you wake up in has two toilets for some reason, stuffed crow heads are the size of large dogs and there is grass growing all over the place.

If you can get over the bizarre structure and decor of the house then Taxidermy is a fun little horror game with an interesting premise and a couple of great jump scares. Just watch out for that deer!

Download The Taxidermy Alpha Demo Here (Windows)