TEST TEST TEST – Prototype Download

TEST TEST TEST is a dark Sci-Fi mystery adventure about a hard working office worker who’s stuck in a time-loop.

Currently in development by Mojiken Studio (creators of A Space For The Unbound), TEST TEST TEST is a cleverly crafted Sci-Fi puzzle adventure about an office worker who needs to get three reports for his bosses. Those reports are quite tricky to find, but fortunately (or unfortunately), you’re trapped in a time-loop so you’ll have plenty of time to find them!

TEST TEST TEST has a real-time clock and each day you wake up fifteen minutes before the reports are due. Getting the reports will require some serious puzzle solving as you search for clues, meet a mysterious stranger and get murdered by your bosses when you fail each day.

There are currently quite a few rough edges with the dialogue (translation issues), but other than that it’s an incredible game. The pixel art and soundtrack are superb, the story is intriguing and the puzzles are very inventive (you’ll require a notebook and pen for this one). Being trapped in an office working time-loop may not be fun for your character, but it’ll be a hell of a lot of fun for you. Highly recommended.

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Download The TEST TEST TEST Prototype Here (Windows)