The Gap – Beta Demo

The Gap is a surreal Sci-Fi mystery adventure where you attempt to recover your memories by using déjà vu to travel to parallel realities.

In The Gap you are a neuroscientist whose family suffers from a rare disorder that degrades cognition and mental well-being. The story is told via flashbacks within parallel realities, featuring memories near to your heart and your search for a cure. If that sounds confusing, then that’s because it is!

It can take a while to get to grips with what’s going on and what you’re supposed to be doing in The Gap, but it’s worth persevering with as it’s an intriguing story that’s cleverly told. The visuals are beautiful, the puzzles are clever and each scene is packed full of great little details and environmental storytelling. A confounding mystery well worth delving into.

Download The Gap Beta Demo Here (Steam)