The Last Exterminator – Alpha Demo

The Last Exterminator is a Duke Nukem inspired retro FPS where an exterminator battles an invasion of alien cockroaches.

Drawing inspiration from 90’s classics like Doom, Blood, Quake and (especially) Duke Nukem 3D, The Last Exterminator is a retro Sci-Fi FPS with a healthy dose of humor. You are Kira Parker – a bug exterminator who is out on a job one night when an invasion of alien bugs starts. She promptly grabs a gun and starts blasting her way through the bug-riddled streets in search of answers (and revenge for them blowing up her van).

The current The Last Exterminator demo features one level set in the city streets that takes around 15 minutes to play through. It’s still early in development but it’s already a ton of fun and is packed full of secrets and funny little easter eggs (be sure to check every payphone you come across). Some of the SFX could do with a little tweak and the occasional gory frag would be nice, but the guns feel great, the voicework is excellent and the level design is superb. Highly recommended.

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Download The Last Exterminator Alpha Demo Here (Steam)