The Lost Cave of the Ozarks – Kickstarter Demo

The Lost Cave of the Ozarks is a beautiful hand painted puzzle platforming adventure that sees you unearthing the dark secrets of a long forgotten cave.

The full game of The Lost Cave of the Ozarks will feature three interweaving narratives taking place between the 1880’s and the present day, with you controlling a different character in each. It promises a mixture of puzzle solving, action, platforming and plenty of secrets to discover as the three protagonists each venture into the mysterious cave.

The current demo build of The Lost Cave of the Ozarks takes around 15 minutes to complete and offers up a diverse variety of gameplay throughout. The initial section sees you attempting to outrun a fire whilst managing your stamina levels at the same time – this means you can’t just hold on to the sprint button, you need to make careful use of your energy if you want to survive.

Once you escape the fire and enter the Lost Cave of the Ozarks you can catch your breath and the game switches to a more puzzle based platforming experience – feeling a little like a 2D version of Tomb Raider as you interact with objects and figure out a route through the cave. It tests your platforming skills and your problem solving skills and throws up some interesting puzzles along the way.

There are a couple of frustrations in the demo (lack of checkpoints and the occasional bit of confusing level design), but even in these early stages of development it’s a very impressive experience. The puzzles are very inventive and managing your stamina while outrunning the fire adds a uniquely strategic element to the platforming. The hand painted artwork and the audio design are superb too, giving the game a magical atmosphere as you explore the mysterious cave. If you’re looking for a beautifully crafted and cerebral puzzle platforming adventure you won’t regret getting lost in the cave of the Ozarks.

Check Out the Lost Cave of the Ozarks on Kickstarter Here

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Download The Lost Cave of the Ozarks Kickstarter Demo Here (Win, Mac & Linux)