The Tale of the Cartographer is a beautifully animated little pixel art platforming adventure where a pumpkin-headed cartographer explores and charts a mysterious world.
In The Tale of the Cartographer you take on the role of an adorable little pumpkin-headed cartographer who is tasked with exploring the world and charting it out with their quill and parchment. As you explore the world you chat to its oddball inhabitants, collect useful items and find specific signposts where you can add sections of the world to your map. You’ll also learn a little about the lore of the world and the story of the old cartographer who mysteriously left without completing his map.
The current build of The Tale of the Cartographer takes around 10 minutes to play through and is very simple in terms of gameplay, but the pixel art is fantastic and it’s a lot of fun conversing with the quirky characters you meet. There’s a Ghibli-esque quality to the character design and the otherworldly setting. By the end of the demo you’ll be dying to map out more of its wonderful whimsical world.
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The Tale of the Cartographer Prototype Here (Windows)