Today, I’m Harvesting You! – Game Jam Build Download

Today, I’m Harvesting You! is a macabre little dating sim where you attempt to win your dates’ hearts, then harvest their internal organs!

Created for Ludum Dare 52, in Today, I’m Harvesting You! you are an enterprising organ harvester who finds their unsuspecting donors by going on dates with them. Today you have three prospective donors/love interests, and at the end of each date you can decide whether to date them or to kill them and harvest their body organs. If you kill them you then need to harvest the correct body organs and pass them on to your boss (who you also have a crush on).

It’s a delightfully twisted take on the dating sim genre with witty writing, great artwork, and a hilariously thirsty protagonist. It’s fun getting to know each of the dates and you can win their hearts in two very different ways!

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Download or Play Today, I’m Harvesting You! Here (Windows & Browser)