In Tribal Wars 2, players find themselves as leader of a small village in the midst of a medieval world. Tasked with growing and expanding their empire within a war-torn landscape, they have to fight in order to survive.
The MMO’s focus is real-time strategic battles with and against other players. Army size is not all that matters – political alliances and military pacts are crucial for success. Team play is a key aspect of the game. Compared to its predecessor, Tribal Wars 2 offers a significantly enhanced set of features, with a total of 17 buildings, 26 technologies and 13 units. It will also be a cross-platform game for Android, iOS and all browsers (though the closed Beta phase will be browser only).
The original Tribal Wars was developed as a hobby project in 2003 by the three founders of InnoGames, Hendrik Klindworth, Eike Klindworth and Michael Zillmer. Even though financial success was not the goal, the game grew to a size where it was impossible to maintain privately. Today, Tribal Wars has more than 50 million registered players and the devs are keen to build on this success with Tribal Wars 2.
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