Turbo Kid – Beta Demo

Turbo Kid is a brutal 2D metroidvania adventure where a BMX-riding hero with a “Turbo Glove™” sets out to cross a wasteland filled with mutants, robots and criminals.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer a couple of years ago Turbo Kid is a BMXing metroidvania that acts as a sequel to the original Turbo Kid movie. It follows on directly after the events of the movie and follows the lone BMXing warrior as he makes some friends (and plenty of enemies) while traversing the wasteland.

The new Turbo Kid demo is significantly expanded on the original and starts with you getting mugged and relieved of some of your equipment, including your BMX. After getting to know the locals of a friendly community, you then set out to get your stuff back and kick a lot of ass in the process.

It is a bit of a shame that the demo waits so long to give you the BMX, as that’s the core gameplay element that is the most enjoyable, but it’s a lot of fun nonetheless. The post-apocalyptic wasteland is a fun place to explore, with plenty of secrets and alternate routes to discover. It’s a world that feels very fleshed out and there’s plenty of lore in there if you want to discover more of it. Highly recommended.

Download The Turbo Kid Beta Demo Here (Steam)