Ultra Space Galaxy is a neon-filled space-based on-rails shooter that draws inspiration from Star Fox as you blast your way through a stylish low poly galaxy
Coming to Windows, Linux, Mac, iOS and Android, Ultra Space Galaxy is an on-rails space shooter inspired by Fox McCloud’s adventures in the classic Star Fox games. In the game you’ll travel to different planets, each containing multiple levels with branching pathways, enemies to blast and big bosses to fight. The dev also plans to add flight maneuvers (like barrel rolls), armor and ship upgrades and ship customization options (skins, painting and decals).
It’s still early in development, but Ultra Space Galaxy is a promising game that’s shaping up to be a great callback to the classic Star Fox games. Sign up for the Alpha to take your ship for a spin early.
Follow the Development of Ultra Space Galaxy Alpha Here
Sign Up For The Ultra Space Galaxy Alpha Here (Win, Mac, Linux, iOS & Android)