Vapor World: Over The Mind – Kickstarter Demo

Vapor World: Over The Mind is a visually stunning hand-painted soulslike action adventure set in a world where trauma is devouring a lost mind.

Previously featured on Alpha Beta Gamer back in January, Vapor World: Over The Mind is a 2D soulslike adventure with beautiful hand-painted visuals and tactical parry-focused combat. You take on the role of an Extractor whose job is to enter the consciousness of a man who’s traumatic past is destroying his mind. It’s a war-torn nightmarish place and you need to search for the root cause of it all.

The combat in Vapor World: Over The Mind is slower paced than most soulslikes. You have a giant hammer which can do some serious damage, but it’s also pretty slow to swing so you need to time your blows. You can use stealth, dodgerolls and a gun, but the key to winning most combat encounters lies in mastery of parrying, as it opens up your enemies to much more damage.

It could do with tightening up the dialogue a little and some more weapons would be nice, but it already shows a lot of promise. The hand-painted artwork is incredible, the lore is interesting and the slow-paced tactical combat offers a nice change from most 2D soulslikes. A trip into a world of nightmares that looks like a dream.

Check Out a Gameplay Video Here

Support Vapor World: Over The Mind on Kickstarter Here

Get The Short Demo Here (Steam)

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