While We Wait Here – Beta Demo

While We Wait Here is a contemplative narrative-driven psychological horror adventure where you serve customers in a diner and wait for the world to end.

In While We Wait Here youtube a small diner in a remote backwater town in America. Business isn’t exactly booming, but you have your regulars (and the occasional irregular), who you chat to and serve them with food and drink. However, it now appears that a catastrophic threat is about to end the world. You will now serve them one last time and hopefully help solve some of their problems before their inevitable demise.

The While We Wait Here demo takes around 20 minutes to play through and plays a little like a TellTale style narrative-driven adventure infused with a restaurant simulation game. You chat to customers, take orders, cook food, serve and even washy up the dishes. All the while with an impending sense of doom creeping in.

It’s a beautifully crafted experience with a warm and fuzzy retro visual style, excellent voice acting and an intriguing premise. You care about the characters and their stories, and there are some very clever reveals even in the demo. Highly recommended.

Check Out a While We Wait Here Gameplay Video Here

Download The While We Wait Here Beta Demo Here (Steam)