You Did It Faster Before – Game Jam Build Download

You Did It Faster Before is a quirky physics-based speed-running parkour platformer where you use different unlockable abilities to run, jump, grapple pog and yeet your way through it’s expandable world.

Created for 7dfps 2020, You Did It Faster Before is a delightfully silly first person parkour action platformer set in a land in the clouds that expands as you beat each area. Your goal in each area is to kill the enemy that’s dressed as a chicken, at which point a new area will pop up with a new chicken to dispatch (until you meet the final boss).

How you reach and eliminate the chickens is entirely up to you though, with there being lots of possible routes through the game world. You have a loadout of three different abilities to help you do this, and if you complete specific objectives you unlock new abilities that can help you get an even faster time.

It’s an excellent little game, with a great sense of humor, vibrant visuals and plenty of opportunities for physics based hilarity. It also has plenty of replayability thanks to all the unlockable abilities and the freeform level design that allows you to tackle it in many different ways. See how fast you can do it!

Download You Did It Faster Before Here (Windows)